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I purchased this to treat inflammation over a tooth as opposed to taking an antibiotic, as suggested on some web sites. After a few days with no obvious clearing up of the condition, I purchased the antibiotic. I now occasionally use the Thieves as a "possible" ongoing backup treatment.
My son recently moved to Washington state where, whenever free time is available to him he takes a hike or enjoys climbing so I thought what a nice gift it would make and that it did.
It's got everything NOT recommended for black hair: Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Parabens, and Urea. It's basically a grocery store conditioner with some peppermint oil added to make your scalp tingle. Not impressed. Save your money and buy some Suave.
I had a rough start to my nursing relationship and due to that I've been plagued with a lower/just enough supply. I have tried EVERYTHING to increase it and have never really seen a difference. I heard about this supplement and figured at this price point it must work well. I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought it and hoped it would work out. The first day I took it I noticed my breasts feeling warmer and hoped it was a good sign. I proceeded to use it for a week and then added in a pumping session since I normally just nurse. I saw about a .5oz increase total. Not what I was looking for or hoping for but I have kept trucking on with it. I think I'm someone who just has low supply and thats all there is to it. These pills also would get stuck easily since you are supposed to take with minimal water and then would leave a terrible taste when you would burb (tmi?) later on. I also had to set an alarm for 15min before taking the pill to make sure I didn't have any water and then also set one after to make sure I didn't have any and that was a pain.
I read previous comments and debated on getting this one when I had a 2013 Ed. However, bad claims that other made I find mostly untrue. The quality of paper is not about the thickness, it's the same as before, but the ink will smudge if you sweat, have a cream on... I underlined text with G Pilot coloured pens and with regular black/blue pens and it doesn't show on the other side. The feel of the paper is the same. The flow is much better compared to previous Editions and pictures are nicer. You will find certain change in organization of the material, ie stuff you saw under behavioural science may now be under neurology, so no they didn't miss it. They also follow UWorld question when it comes to newer drugs. Overall, I am very happy for getting this Edition.