
Healthcare Management Consultants » Healthcare Management Consultants – North Carolina - Individualized, creative approach providing cutting edge business expertise for practice optimization.

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City: -80.4523 North Carolina, United States

  • Amazon Customer - Would Tipp-Ex help?

    I gave this pen to my fiancé by mistake and now he takes forever in the bathroom, does the dishes, asks ME before he buys anything, and last night I had to switch the TV on for him. Thanks A BUNCH, Bic!

  • Love to read - Save your money. Not the solution I was hoping for.

    This has caused me to vomit twice in the middle of the night. Was not sure what it was due to the first time but last night was awful and not only did I vomit at 1:30 am but I was throwing PVC's, which I have had as a side effect before and are not fun to feel. I keep trying as I want to feel better from this dang systemic candida but save your money. I had hope but as always, I have to try for myself and this was not it.