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    I chose 5 stars because it is the perfect planner! I really like the organization of this planner! I chose to purchase the large jumbo one because I write pretty big and it keeps me organized with the different decorated pages! I will definitely keep my eyes out of the 2014-2015 planner!

  • hcrowley00 - Never Stop This Series!

    First of all, if you haven't read Stygian and Tyrant then you need to stop. Go read those first before you look at a single review for Credo. Regardless if they are spoiler free or not, you will be lost. You will not fully understand the relationship between Waleron & Delara.

  • Jeff Cook - Best hose I've ever bought

    I've had many bad experiences with the quality of large box store garden hoses in the past. This hose has made me realize there is something better for a reasonable price. This hose is firm with high quality fittings. I have never had a problem with it kinking in the 4 months that I've owned it. The only downside is that it is a little firm and stiff, probably related to a heavier material in the construction of the hose. However, this is a good trade off against kinking from my perspective.

  • Drew R. Maerz - Captured most of the big hits of 2013

    We have enjoyed most of the Grammy Nominee Albums over the past few years. This us no exception. With many if the biggest hits of the year, the entire family enjoys listening and signing along with most of the songs.

  • Jon Perry - The foam around the mask is not very comfortable after a few minutes of wear

    The foam around the mask is not very comfortable after a few minutes of wear. Would prefer a better way to adjust eye focus.

  • Woot Woot - Tried it for a month.

    So I got this almost a month back. For about 20 days I used it in my bed under my legs. (now I use the queen half-bedsheet while sleeping)