www.ercolano.it.webstatsdomain.org Review:

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  • dinger_greg - Glad I bought it

    I love making my own beer. Mr. Beer takes the challenge out of trying to successfully make beer that tastes good. I like taking my home made beer to family get togethers and parties. The kit comes with everything you need to make a good tasting beer. Just follow the easy to understand instructions and in six weeks you will have a delicious tasting beer. Cleanliness and length of fermantation are key components to a great tasting beer. In the long run you will save money by using this kit to produce your own beer instead of purchasing beer from the local store.

  • Love - Smelly, expensive, but works for acid reflux babies!!

    My son was exclusively breastfeed the first four months. He was born with acid reflux, so I knew that finding a formula that worked would be tricky. We tried the Enfamil gentle ease, and Enfamil soy formula and they both gave him horrible diarrhea and gas. I had heard of this formula and decided to give it a try and thank God it worked. The diarrhea went away and even though he still had the acid reflux I noticed a big difference in the amount of crying and fussiness. My son is now eight months and continues with this formula, the acid reflux got better when he started solids. We also avoid feeding him anything too acidic like apple sauce, and we give him zantac for his reflux and its been manageable. The smell of this formula is gross, but when you have a cranky baby you do anything for some quiet and sleep. So if your baby has digestive problems give this formula a try, it is expensive but worth it. My baby is doing so much better now, no fussiness after meals and very little spit up. Also once my baby learned to hold his head up, it really helped with his reflux. Hope this review helps.