www.mcfpc.org Review:

Maine Coalition to Fight Prostate Cancer - Home - Maine Coalition to Fight Prostate Cancer was established in December 2005 by a group of prostate cancer survivors and their spouses.

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Joe G - If it tells the truth

    If this item is telling the truth about my daily scans, I have between 200 and 2000 privacy issues. I'm not sure if it's true, but my computer operates faster since I started using it regularly.

  • Amazon Customer - Danger....

    Like another reviewer (who gave this software 5 stars), I've used several versions of Acronis over the years. Why? I suppose because there is little choice when surveying the options for such a combination of utilities. I've almost always been disappointed. Acronis makes a very powerful set of drivers and installs them so that they are very difficult to remove. You are very lucky if the software performs its task for you; just plain lucky if it doesn't work but also doesn't screw up your system in some fashion; and at par if it doesn't work, makes your system hang or crash, and cannot be removed.

  • Happy Buyer - This really works!!

    I've been taking this product for exactly 1 month now and it really works! My bloating went away to the point my tummy is flat. I don't remember when is the last time I had a flat tummy. I also have completely stopped craving sugar, it's such a weird feeling. My coworker had some chocolate on her desk for anyone to take and I didn't even want any, which has never happened. I just walked by and didn't touch the chocolate. I noticed that I've also lost weight. For months, my weight was stuck on the same number on the scale. And taking Three Lac is the only thing I've changed in my life. I woke up this morning and weighed myself to see that I was down 2 lbs!! I am so incredibly pleased with the results, which are better than I expected. I had all these symptoms, bloating, weight gain, sugar cravings, irritability, mind foginess, and gradually all of these are disappearing. I also feel so much better overall. I no longer have that uncomfortable feeling of fullness as soon as I eat anything. I leave the table now as comfortable than as when I first sat down. My facial acne has also dwindled to nothing, and I didn't realize it until today. My entire body feels healthier, which means that this stuff is working! I am feeling much better overall and it shows by how happy my body is. ThreeLac,you have made me a believer!!

  • First Class - Ingenious Mobility Device!

    Fifty-some years old. Fell off my roof and severely fractured my left heel in late November, surgery in early December. Non-weight bearing for 12 weeks minimum afterwards! Sitting with foot elevated in a chair 17 hours per day and elevated in bed at night. Crutches the only mobility device to get around.... arghh! The surgeon recommended a knee crutch scooter which for me had several drawbacks. While reviewing the many brands and styles of scooters I saw this on Amazon. No pushing on a scooter or trying to negotiate around furniture and hallways, the ability to walk! I found the history of this device and the original iWalk online. The refinements made to the 2.0 version are tremendous! When it arrived I had it assembled in about 15 minutes and adjusted to use in about 15 more. The instructions explain how to begin use so you get comfortable with it. Once you get the "feel" for it, walking with a cane or crutch is unnecessary! Now that it is all adjusted I can crutch into the bathroom, lean against the counter or a chair, and have it strapped on in just under 1 minute! My wife can take a break and I can be much more independent. My surgeon wants to see it on my next checkup. I have been outside on my patio but no further due to snow and ice but once everything thaws I will be outside moving! For now it is great to be up and about and mobile! There are user videos on You-Tube and also on this company's website if you want to know more.

  • Wendy - Died after very little use

    I used this maybe 10 times then had to put it away for awhile due to having thyroid problems and not being able to tolerate the heat from the device. It was quirky when from the very beginning...I should have known better to return it then. When i took it out and charged it again after sitting for about 6 mos, I charged it repeatedly...it kept dying immediately. Now, I paid about $250 for this at one of the home shopping networks. I didn't listen to the reviews saying the same thing. I should have. It's simply shameful to sell such a defective product. In addition, when you are selling something rather expensive that is chargeable, you better put in a rechargeable batter that is replaceable! This is the same issue I have with iPad. No replaceable battery. When it dies, you're SOL unless you are still under warranty. I see this has come down in price to $99, but still buyer be warned. You may end up with a dead product. Personally, I got the impression that it was the serum that improved skin more than the actual device, as I have used it alone.

  • Henderson986 - They a good bang for your buck

    This is my second Battery Minder charger, only my first is a little more complex and charges more types of batteries, which I have mounted in a different location/building. I think the full-time pulse-type desulfation does keep my batteries free of sulfate and does dissolve the sulfate completely or at least almost completely in my older batteries. I'm convinced of it, as they do breath new life and last much longer. In short, I'm sold on Battery Minder Chargers.They a good bang for your buck!