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Country:, Oceania, NZ

City: 174.7432 Auckland, New Zealand

  • Brandilyn Bryant - Easy to assemble!

    This works great for my toddler and infant. The adapter and carseat attached very easily, I just had to make sure I had all the pieces in the right places! :)

  • James J Romero - Worked great. Remember to use a recorder to get sound ...

    Worked great. Remember to use a recorder to get sound and video to capture things. Was fun. Dont g=forget to say goodbye.

  • Seth - piece of junk

    My wife had been lusting after this waffle maker for a long time, and it was one of the first items she registered for when we got engaged. When we got it, I was a bit sad to see our $20 plastic waffle maker that had served us for so many years be given away, but we now had this "pro" waffle maker. Well, shortly before our three year anniversary half-way through making waffles one Sunday morning, the thing got cold. The light turned on, I could hear it clicking on and off, but the waffle maker would no longer heat up. After searching the internet a bit, I realized that we were not the only people with this problem, and in fact it was pretty common with this waffle maker. There is apparently no way to repair it (the waring pro model has some similar issues, but there is an easy to find replacement part to fix those), and of course our warranty had just expired. We expected this waffle maker to last a lifetime (or at least longer than our $20 cheapy). Instead, it's now littering a landfill somewhere and we are shopping for a new (non-VillaWare) waffle maker.

  • Caitlyn Anne - Wonderful for older kids and younger

    Wonderful for older kids and younger. My preschool class enjoyed excavating just to see what its like. A little too young to assemble the dinosaur but it was great for them to have a chance to "excavate" and that was the purpose for purchasing this.