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  • Jorge Guillermo Calderon - Fits perfect

    ...But in the inside the material that hold the velcro is loose and is really uncomfortable to rearrange the panels. The protection is OK

  • Philip Dawson - A Very Nice Addition

    I love my new (used) Scion XD but one of my arms felt left out. The left one could sit on the door thing-a-majingy but my right one, well it did not have a thing-a-majingy.

  • David Wilkinson - Joao/"A Kid": Please stop posting your inane, redundant reviews

    Okay, we get it, you don't like the album. There's no need to post such endless amounts of incoherent babble attempting to state as much. Your words are, to term a phrase you used to describe this amazing album: "the sickening results of egocentrism." Seriously. If you really are a kid, go out and play and stop spending so much time on the internet trying to annoy people. Go bug classmates at your nursery school, or better yet, grow up and get a life. Thank you.

  • anikab - I have ADD and this supplement is packed with all the things recommended for concentration and clarity

    I received my order of BRAIN SUPPORT PLUS for Optimal Memory, Focus, and Clarity. Plus Anti-Aging, Neuroprotection, and Cardiovascular Support about a week ago and began taking it immediately and within a week of taking it I have a noticeable change in focus and clarity during my day and studying at night. I have ADD and this supplement is packed with all the things recommended for concentration and clarity. I usually have to read a passage twice to fully absorb all the pertainate information required to answer the chapter questions but in just a week I have noticed that I do not have to do this so often. Thank you USANutra.

  • Rajkumar Arumugam - good eye cream

    good eye cream . I got it to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on my skin and around my eyes especially . And it is wonderful , if you are worried about fine lines , then this is a good cream and it helps your skin to maintain elasticity . I like it and its easy to use . I use it on my whole face and apply vitamin C serum on top and my skin has instant glow and feels much younger. I will definitely buy this product again .

  • Anastasia P - but the toner and lotion are amazing and indispensable

    Go from pizza face to a human face in 2 days. Anytime my acne gets out of control, to the point that no other products help, this one never disappoints. The cleanser is a bit harsh on the skin, but the toner and lotion are amazing and indispensable .