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  • A. Mun - ... wish this came in a bigger bottle because i love this lotion

    I wish this came in a bigger bottle because i love this lotion. Its not greasy or sticky like A&D or Aquaphor. As someone who is a avid collector, this is by far a superior product for after ink care.

  • sunnypickle - Best Novel I read this Year

    I read a lot of novels in a year, but this one hooked me early and kept me on the line as each chapter unfolded. I'm not a big history buff, but the clashes that occur between the highly cultured interned German sailors, and the backwoods Appalachian folk of Hot Spring, NC is played out with exquisite sensitivity & timing by Roberts. Our flawed hero, Stephen, is a divorced alcoholic who is forced to call upon all his inner resources to deal with the onslaught of foreigners he is responsible for as manager of the Mountain Park Hotel as well as the Hot Springs Internment Camp. Uncommonly well educated for the time & place, he finds a way to maintain the peace against great odds. His cousin Roy, the local Sheriff is his long time enemy and foil, not quite pure evil, but almost.

  • Kenny A. - Would not play video on Mac or Windows computers

    Seemed to be working, but when I plugged it into my computers I received an "unreadable file message." Tried everything to fix....searched Google, etc but nothing. Even called company, but all I received was a recording.

  • Slammer - Used blade?

    Received the "New" Shop Fox W1829 jointer today. Upon opening the package and doing a quick inspection, I noticed that the blade looks as though it is a used blade that had been nicked by a nail or screw in a couple of places. Will update this review once I have a chance to use it several times. So far, not real happy about the blade.

  • nopinname - Sounded great

    I love this goofy and fun song. It has medicinal properties I tells ya. Anyways, download it or don't, but do.