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  • John Greg McAninch - I particularly like the way it highlights her voice

    I'm by far NOT the biggest GaGa fan. However, this particular album has really captured my attention. I particularly like the way it highlights her voice. The lyrics are not the best but, I still consider it to be a five star album. I like it WHOLE LOT MORE than "Lemonade."

  • Penny Sweetman - More emotional control

    I've been using this for a while to help balance my estrogen levels and keep me from getting depressed. So far it seems to have helped. I have more energy and more control over my emotions.

  • twice99 - Very nice case offering protection against drops on edge

    Very nice case offering protection against drops on edge. I would have rated it higher but the opening for the lightning connector port was a little too small to allow charging plug. I had to shave a little on the plastic with a knife to enlarge the opening a tiny bit.