
Get an ICE card into your wallet - Keep an ICE card in your wallet and it will help lifesavers in case of emergency. It’s free, fast and there’s no registration! Simply fill your details in and print. Your data will not be stored or shared with third parties.

Country:, Europe, NL

City: 4.8995 , Netherlands

  • Dawn D. - Supple lies

    This is the worst product on the market! Never buy it! It doesn't work at all! My husband was taken in by the camera personalities thinking it could relieve his back pain, he got it and took it as prescribed and no results and it tastes horrible! Don't waste your money!

  • Kelly - ... it as much as I should but it is fun. My husband

    Don't use it as much as I should but it is fun. My husband, who is in Army physical shape, has a hard time doing this for long periods of time. But me who had a baby by c-section 8 months ago, i still experience pain now and then, I can dance for a hour or so. Fun songs, moves and I really like the work out feature. It allows you to play any song from the list while timing you. The dance moves are different in the sweat mode but still really fun.

  • ercadm - The Best Router as of Dec 2014

    The Router Currently available (Dec 2014) but not without it's own issues! Just like owning a race car, you are going to find it requires much more 'tweaking' to take advantage of all the features, not to mention just finding the sweet spot for those not in to all the technical stuff. Yes, you can go pretty much fully "automatic" with this by right out of the box plug and play but you are going to find yourself in the Administration of each WAN/LAN and WIFI areas. Personally speaking, as an IT Professional, I have found the video streaming to be the biggest complaints (initially). Maybe I'm just old school, but I like "Manual" control over things just because I know what is going on, however with this router having the ability to utilize its 'ADAPTIVE QOS' it can make some serious improvements OVER TIME! The key here is TIME.. because it is monitoring things you can't expect instant solutions, as I have found utilizing my ROKU device while screaming at the TV every time Monday Night Football would start "buffering"..of course right when the play was on 1st and goal and it would return to the live stream after the touchdown has taken place.. but I digress..