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I have been shopping with Amazon for over 15 years. I enjoy giving my honest and unbiased reviews on products I have purchased from this site. Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters is a wonderful product and of top quality. This product has successfully met all of my standards and expectations, such as being easy to replace, pits perfect, and most of all, makes my water taste like it came from a mountain spring. It is extremely easy to use. Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters is absolutely the best water filter available on the market today. None of the other water filter products I have seen compare to Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters. Its superb toxin removing qualities make it of the highest rank. I have never seen a water filter product that has done so much good for my ice maker and fridge. Had it not been for Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters, I would still be living with chemical laden water and ice that taste like bleach. My experience with Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters has been nothing but exceedingly positive. I love the water transforming qualities of Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter and enjoy the ways these qualities have helped me in my daily life. I had absolutely no idea when I first purchased Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters that it would do so much good for me. I highly recommend Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter by Crystala Filters to all my friends and family struggling with issues such as bad tasting ice and water from the fridge. Crystala Frigidaire WF3CB Puresource 3 Replacement Filter completely deserves my five star rating. I received this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review, as found above.
We liked the first set of 3 cream pillowcases so much, we ordered another set as backup. Very nice quality, plush & thick enough that the dark pillow we placed inside didn't show through, even under the pale covering. Very happy!
This is probably one of the best prenatal vitamins I've ever tried. They don't make me feel sick like other vitamins I've tried in the past. I love all the ingredients that vitamin has. They are natural and it is everything I need. Another great thing that I love about this is the fact that it helps with lactating as well. Not all vitamins has that and that's definitely something that makes this special.
Does lighten teeth, but probably not as dramatically as some other whiteners on Amazon. It is also unpleasant tasting and tingles a bit on my tongue and gums when it mixes with saliva. That's to be expected with these types of whiteners.