jiunimea.gds.ro Review:

Jiunimea - Jiunimea este un proiect cu tineri pentru tineri. Exact cum iti imaginezi un tanar, asa trebuie sa iti imaginezi si Jiunimea: spontana, nonconformista,

  • http://jiunimea.gds.ro/contact/ Contact | Jiunimea - Adresa redacţiei: Câmpia Islaz, nr. 97 A, Craiova, Dolj. E-mail: [email protected] Coordonator: Anca Ungurenuș [email protected]
  • http://jiunimea.gds.ro/2013/06/asa-sa-mi-ajute-dumnezeu/ „Așa să-mi ajute Dumnezeu!” | Jiunimea - Foto: gov.ro Andreea AGAPIE Odată cu propunerea de revizuire a Constituției, președintele României a adus în prim-plan laicitatea statului român și,
  • http://jiunimea.gds.ro/2013/06/remember-solomon/ Remember Solomon | Jiunimea - Andreea AGAPIE Setea pentru literatură este nestăvilită; actualul extrem de lacunar, iar fostul primar al Craiovei... poet. În urma lecturării în detaliu a
  • http://jiunimea.gds.ro/2013/05/despre-tineret-azi/ Despre tineret, azi | Jiunimea - Andreea AGAPIE Când vine vorba despre tineret, se afirmă faptul că duce o lipsă totală de exemple demne de urmat. Dar ce se întâmplă atunci când tânărul
  • http://jiunimea.gds.ro/2013/05/8325/ Sistemul medical actual, „o catastrofă” | Jiunimea - Andreea AGAPIE Criza citostaticelor a fost un subiect amplu dezbătut în ultima vreme, însă totul a rămas la acest stadiu. Cu o experiență de mai bine de 20

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • amitch - Something is very wrong with this printer

    I had so many issues trying to get this thing to work it was ridiculous. I would install it, computer would recognize it, plug into POS hardware setup, print out trial receipt no problem. First few transactions I'd run through it, prints out receipt no problem. Then it starts to only print 3/4 of the receipt, then 1/2 of the receipt, then 1/4 of the receipt, then nothing at all. Uninstall and reinstall same issue. I went through this about 5 times before calling a tech guy out. My tech guy spent 2 HOURS trying to make it work. He kept running into the same problem as me. Eventually he just gave me one of his printers because clearly this thing is possessed. It also started smoking a few times. I believe one of the other reviews mentioned that theirs caught on fire? I didn't have it go that far, but what would happen is it the thermal printer would be printing, but the feed would not be feeding the paper so it would burn clean through the paper and start smoking. Definitely would recommend ponying up the extra $50 to get a decent receipt printer!

  • George R. - Installations instruction do not match unit and part is damaged

    The installation instructions indicate that the units are separately marked front and back for use on a Jeep Cherokee and must be installed this way. Neither of the units has any marking on it indicating which is the forward unit and which is the rear? Nor are they marked to indicated that the bar itself should be mounted with one side forward. When loosening the bolts for installation one of the bolts is either broken inside or cross threaded and will not tighten to secure on the track. .

  • John Helgesen - Great filament for perfect prints

    This filament is great! I've purchased several spools and had 100% success with my prints on my Taz5. I've run 20 hour complex prints with no voids or air pockets. This stuff is a sure thing for my prints.