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  • Susie - DO NOT BUY

    I have owned four Hallmark Card programs but was forced to buy the new 2011 version since my older versions would not operate with Windows 7. What a mistake! I am operating at 64 bits and the 2011 Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe is the only card program I have installed on my computer. I have had nothing but problems with this program. Now a new problem has developed since downloading an update today and this was not a problem until I installed the update! My list of names in the envelope destination list does not match the name and address on the envelope. This program just keeps getting worse and the response from Creative Home or even Soft City is poor at best. I see other user posting the same problems that I have experienced and the techs still reply that "this is not a known problem". I may go back to buying greeting cards in the store.

  • Mathew - BEST REEL

    If you are a pro or just starting out do yourself a favor and buy this reel cause the quality is fantastic as well as the durability. I fish with reels from rages of 200 to 420 dollars and to be honest I rather to fish with this reel cause it has alot of line capacity never back lashes even when I drop shot with it. This brings me to my next point If you are a beginner this is the perfect reel for you since it has 7 magnetic brakes instead of 5 like your expensive reels. I hope that you find this review helpful.

  • Lucas H - Just wanted to stop snoring for the wife...

    I really wanted this chin strap to work. I was hopeful and desperate to stop snoring so when this arrived I was ready to reap the benefits that all of these other people seemed to be getting. After a few days of using, I was left more mortified by my experience with this contraption than when I started my journey to stop snoring. Let me explain why this gets 1 star...

  • Robin K - Say Yes To Love!

    I was lucky enough to be able to read The Revolution early. My god did S L Scott out do herself! I didn't think anyone could top Dalton (Johnny Outlaw). Kaz Fabian, though, he owns a huge chunk of my heart now. This hot rock star is pure gold in his heart and soul. Kaz and Lara’s relationship is complicated and easy all at once; both fighting forces outside of their cocoon to be together. One trying to tear them apart, another eating away at Kaz from the inside. The way Scott handled the devastating reality of what Lara has to suffer through, and how it takes her over, makes her make decisions she never thought she ever would; just heartbreaking and amazing. There were a couple times I had to take a break from this book so I could compose myself before continuing on, because it really hit my soul hard. This story was brilliant, compelling, and soul shattering. Above all, this story is about love, and how it can overcome anything if you just believe in it. Say yes to this book, say yes to love, because love matters.