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  • C. Martin - Avoid like the plague! Get Leappad 2 instead...

    Our daughter's leappad 2 just died after having it since it was first released. We decided that we would replace it with the leappad ultra. Big mistake...This product is simply not ready for prime time, even after the firmware update. Here are some of the problems we had:

  • Patricia Jakubisin - Won't be without this.

    I have fibromyalgia for many years. Off prescription meds for over a year. 👏🏻👏🏻 Did some searching on Amazon and found this product. I am on

  • Dan S. - Nice antenna

    I needed a shorter antenna so I didn't have to remove it every time I carried my paddle board and found the Stubby. It works well but doesn't have quite the range of the original. It's fine but one weak station I like gets a little fuzzy. Installation is a breeze.

  • JWolf - All-around Fantastic Lotion

    Historically, I tended to choose lotion by scent. But as someone working in the food industry, spending a lot of time with dogs, and going to school, I do a lot of showering and really frequent hand washing. Once I tried this lotion, I was sold and would trade the best scented lotion any day for a bottle of this stuff.

  • Batis500 - Don't get it if your LO likes moving mobile

    Our son loved it in the beginning for about 1 month. As soon as he outgrew to realize that the mobile doesn't move, he refused to stay in it anymore. For a thing that costs so much money, they should improve the design!