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  • J. Austin - It smells wonderful and keeps hair in place

    I am a woman who works as a uniformed police officer and I have used this product for years, to keep my hair slicked back and in place through a 10 hour shift. My only alternative would be tons of bobby pins, so this is a great option. It smells wonderful, too, as others have noted. I get lots of compliments from other women on how good my hair smells.

  • Phillip Kamm - Does the job well--awful user interface

    Have used Acronis True Image for around 7 years now. Always was happy with the way it worked and how it saved the day on more than 1 occasion. This latest version, however, has taken a major step back in ease of use. The user interface appears to have been designed strictly to please the personal esthetic idiosyncrasies of the software designer. And the worst insult is the elimination of any kind of readily accessible activity log. Say you get distracted and accidentally close the backup process window before confirming that a backup completed successfully--no history is there to be had! You have to go deep into the innards of your computer's file system to find an activity log, which is an XML document, and wade through thousands of meaningless characters to find the 10-20 words of practical information you need (something like "Operation completed successfully at xx:xx on mm/dd/yy.") Lets hope that Acronis will revert to the more user-friendly interface of yore in the next version!

  • anfltd - Think twice before buying a Shark Navigator

    THINK TWICE BEFORE BUYING A SHARK. Their Customer Service and Technical Assistance Departments are the absolute pits. Following the purchase of a new Shark Navigator, I noted a constant whistling sound coming from the vacuum, a sound that was every bit as loud as the motor itself. I simply wanted to know if the sound was normal for this model or if it might suggest an air leak somewhere in the system. So over the next couple weeks I sent three (3) separate email to these two departments, each one asking that simple question. All three of my emails were ignored. I ultimately contacted their toll-free customer assistance line and asked them my question. I got what can only be described as a non-answer, being told that the whistling noise was "probably" normal. Not being willing to let it go at that, I sent a letter directly to the company's CEO complaining about my experiences and asking him for an answer to the one simple question I had already asked four times. He ignored my letter. Since I could not get an answer to this very simple question and being concerned that the whistle might indicate a problem with the vacuum, I've decided to box up the machine and return it to the store where I purchased it.

  • Ethan McKenzie - I have read to my kids many times... This is an awesome book.

    This book really made my husband think that he is indeed a superhero dad to my 3 kids. There are lots of lessons to be learned here. Being honest, responsible, independent, having fun, focus, and many others. The best part, my kids wants my husband to fly with them to the moon. They are very imaginative and creative in their thinking. We took this opportunity to educate them on the moral values of life. Thanks a lot for creating such a simple, and yet wonderful book. Awesome!