
Sports Medicine - Open | Home page - <p><i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> provides an online, open access journal for the publication of research in the field of sport and exercise medicine. Like Springer’s flagship journal in the area, <i>Sports Medicine</i>, <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> bridges the gap between science and practice in the promotion of exercise and health, and in the scientific assessment, study and understanding of sports performance. <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> publishes reviews and original research in areas such as sports injury prevention and treatment, exercise for health, nutrition, athletic conditioning and performance enhancement.</p><p><b>Open access</b></p><p>All articles published by <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found at</p><p>Authors of articles published in <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> are the copyright holders of their articles and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the article, according to the SpringerOpen copyright and license agreement</p><p>For authors who are US government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, SpringerOpen can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact us at Springeropen Info [email protected] if further information is needed.</p><p><b>Article-processing charges</b></p><p><b></b>Open access publishing is not without costs. <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> therefore levies an article-processing charge of £1020/$1595 for each article accepted for publication. If the submitting author's institution is a Member, the cost of the article-processing charge is covered by the membership, and no further charge is payable.<br/>In the case of authors whose institutions are Supporter Members, however, a discounted article-processing charge is payable by the author. We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process.</p>

  • Sports Medicine - Open | Home page - <p><i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> provides an online, open access journal for the publication of research in the field of sport and exercise medicine. Like Springer’s flagship journal in the area, <i>Sports Medicine</i>, <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> bridges the gap between science and practice in the promotion of exercise and health, and in the scientific assessment, study and understanding of sports performance. <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> publishes reviews and original research in areas such as sports injury prevention and treatment, exercise for health, nutrition, athletic conditioning and performance enhancement.</p><p><b>Open access</b></p><p>All articles published by <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found at</p><p>Authors of articles published in <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> are the copyright holders of their articles and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the article, according to the SpringerOpen copyright and license agreement</p><p>For authors who are US government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, SpringerOpen can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact us at Springeropen Info [email protected] if further information is needed.</p><p><b>Article-processing charges</b></p><p><b></b>Open access publishing is not without costs. Upon acceptance for publication, manuscripts submitted to <i>Sports Medicine - Open</i> will be subject to an article processing charge (APC) at an introductory price of £1020/$1595. If the submitting author's institution is a Member, the cost of the article-processing charge is covered by the membership, and no further charge is payable.<br/><br/>In the case of authors whose institutions are Supporter Members, however, a discounted article-processing charge is payable by the author. We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process.</p>

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