
The Medicine Teacher | Real life, real live, simple explanations and opinions about interesting medical issues, traditional medicine, and alternative treatments from a pharmacist and researcher who is also a mother, wife, sister, neighbor, teacher and friend. - Real life, real live, simple explanations and opinions about interesting medical issues, traditional medicine, and alternative treatments from a pharmacist and researcher who is also a mother, wife, sister, neighbor, teacher and friend.

  • About | The Medicine Teacher - Real life, real live, simple explanations and opinions about interesting medical issues, traditional medicine, and alternative treatments from a pharmacist and researcher who is also a mother, wife, sister, neighbor, teacher and friend. I am a 40 "something" year old mother of 3 medium-sized children. My doctor once said I had "advanced maternal age tri-dependency…
  • Ebola – Natural Remedies for a virus coming soon to a city near you | The Medicine Teacher - A while back, I wrote about natural remedies for the flu virus and one of the points that I like to make is that Echinacea and Golden Seal, commonly recommended for “colds” should NOT be taken for serious viral disorders like Ebola – but other natural or herbal treatments may help. About Ebola Virus First…
  • Scientists reveal early humans ate weeds…Really? | The Medicine Teacher - An article published on has just revealed that our early human ancestors ate “weeds” as a major part of their diet. Are you surprised? I’m not. The creepy thing is only the way they discovered this un-news fact. They analyzed prehistoric plaque and tartar. You know the sticky, stinky film on your teeth that…
  • Why couldn’t he just quit….? Philip Seymour Hoffman | The Medicine Teacher - Once every few months the media buzzes with news of a recent celebrity death due to a drug overdose. Everyone wails, laments, cries, moans, blames, reminisces….and then forgets until the next one comes along. Funny thing – the news of this last death - Philip Seymour Hoffman – undoubtedly a truly gifted actor, an academy…

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  • Sarah B. Rivera - Delicious meat candy!

    I received this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any way to review this product or give it a certain rating.

  • Michael - Brookstone sand is amazing

    This sand is amazing. The best part of this kinetic sand is that it really lives up to its promise of not making a mess. This sand sticks to itself and not you. This is a great buy and I am very pleased with it. I recommend this sand to anyone who is in the market for kinetic sand.

  • Tony D - OK - But there are better alternatives

    This is the first book of this type that I've bought that didn't have an index. When I get a book like this I sometimes want to quickly check out high blood pressure or high cholesterol - but no index in this book.