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  • pkcorc30 - Good but not Perfect.

    A good product and I would have given it Five Stars but mine does not accurately read the altitude or give accurate barometric pressure. Still it fits most of my shooting needs as is and I always have a GPS for accurate elevation.

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  • Speers - good stuff

    Cut perfectly to fit. Because it rolls up it is a Little cumbersome, but that is kind of obvious when considering the size of the windshield. Works great and seems durable.

  • Amazon Customer - not for me, more negative side effects than good

    I took as directed for about a month, at first I did feel more energy but that was it, I actually felt hungrier than I have in the last four days not taking it and I didn't sleep well at all. At the end of week one I noticed my hands were numb when I woke up, not numb but that icky kind of painful tingly feeling. But it went away. By the end of week 2 the tingly feeling was constant in four fingertips on my right hand. Plus in week 3 whenever I used my right hand a lot the tingly slightly painful feeling became unbearable. After one particularly bad day last week of pain I decided to quit taking it. And now 4 days later I'm less hungry still not sleeping well but I'm hoping I'll be fine tonight. And while my fingertips still don't feel right they no longer tingle or hurt although now I realize I burnt two of them. I'm saying if it works for others great however I'm throwing the remainder in the trash and going back to the natural supplement I was taking.