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  • Scarlett - BP readings off by about 20 points

    This is pretty useless since, when compared to my home BP plug in monitor and the Dr. office bp cuff, this one is about 20-30 points off. Total waste of money.

  • M. Fernandez - Great new sound

    By far best Gaga ever! Have always been a HUGE fan long before she become the phenomenon she is now. And her evolution has always been positive and good. But this feels more authentic and raw and real. Haven't found a song I don't like. Its definitely a change compared to previous sounds but in a positive way. Almost country or folkish but still very rock and pop. Well done and relatable.

  • Andrea Rogers - excellent clamp on chair - but you can't use a clamp on everywhere...

    I love this clamp on high chair. It folds down flat and comes with its own attached carrying bag. I keep it in the trunk of my car, it fits in the pocket underneath our stroller, and I always bring it into restaurants with me. It's far more comfortable and more hygienic than a restaurant high chair - and it has the added bonus of having our little one share the table with us. (She can feel closer to the action and a little more included.) It also works in booths, where the strap on portable chairs have nowhere to strap on. I have friends who clamp it onto the counter top breakfast bar in their kitchen and love it. Unfortunately... it hasn't been perfect for us. We are regularly invited over to friends' homes for brunch or dinner and they have *nice* tables. I haven't tried it, but I can't imagine clamping anything to mahogany or cherry... so we end up borrowing a strap on portable chair (the straps seem to be less damaging to a nice chair than a clamp is to a table) or holding our little one in our lap and eating one-handed. Oh - and it also violates the righty-tighty/lefty-loosy rule! It's not a big deal, but every time I use it I have to remind myself to turn the clamps in the opposite direction. :)

  • Ann Gould - Amazing ! Wonderful and helpful !!!

    Having been a long time fan of Suzanne White, since reading her first book on Chinese Astrology back in the 90s, it was with great joy I spent this past week reading her new book, 2016, Year of the Fire Monkey...

  • Kevin Neville - Thank God for the energy star! This baby saves ...

    Thank God for the energy star! This baby saves $55 a year! It will pay for itself in less than a lifetime!!!