
Úvod - VÚBP - Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce - Zabýváme se již přes 50 let zkoumáním, ověřováním a aplikacemi metod prevence rizik způsobených pracovní činností ohrožující zdraví lidí, životní prostředí a majetek.

Country:, Europe, CZ

City: 14.4667 Hlavni mesto Praha, Czechia

  • Megan - awesome product

    I was hesitant to invest in this but was trying to do a good deed for my friend who sells it. I could immediately tell a difference in skin tone, any fine crevasses were minimized, and my face had a healthy glow to it. I waited two weeks and decided to buy a decision. Sunday facials : )

  • Denise - Whether it be Super HD or C4 they're great

    Cellucor has never let me down. Whether it be Super HD or C4 they're great. Super HD worked wonders for me. As long as I took them according to the directions I never had a crash or felt any bad side affects. While taking these pills I noticed an increase in energy both in and out of the gym. My workouts gained more reason to them and the pump I felt was enough where I didn't necessarily need a pre workout with them. Although I have taken both together and I am still alive so no worries there as long as you do so responsibly. I noticed weight loss in less then a month. I took Super HD for 3 months straight and I lost a total of 12 lbs! That was not from the product alone but with their great ingredients and hard work at the gym. All in all a great supplement.