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    Country:, Europe, PT

    City: -9.1333 Lisbon, Portugal

  • ynotmoore - Scars were lightened, but no noticeable change in acne.

    All in all, I'd say I'm satisfied with this product. I've always been a person to squeeze acne bumps on my face, so I have a few scars/marks on my face. Since this was advertised as anti-acne and scar removal, I gave it a try. I've found that it has lightened some of the marks on my face since I've been using it twice a day as directed. Having said that, I have not noticed any decrease in acne overall. Of course this is completely subjective, since I can't say for certain if I would have had more or less acne with or without using this cream. So for me the scar removal has been noticeable, but not so much the anti-acne portion. I'm rating this 4 stars because I am happy about the scar removal.

  • Christela balli - Super helpful!

    I am not taking the hesi for a couple more months but I feel like I'm ready! I absolutely love this study guide! Because it was very well Organized and it covers multiple subjects . My favorite thing about it is that it gives you the explanations to the answers after. I appreciate that the most. It's easy to learn and easy to study which is the best thing especially when going into the medical field!

  • Babyboomer - It works great.

    My two cockapoo's had bald spots from scratching and biting last summer and even into early winter after the allergy season. after the first bath I could see the difference and after the second most scratching had stopped. Couple of weeks and they were back to normal and now 7 months later it's full summer and still no scratching. Great stuff.