www.cip.org.pe Review:

Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - Consejo Nacional - Consejo Nacional El Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú nació de un planteamiento propuesto en la Primera Conferencia Nacional de Ingeniería realizada en 1932 por la Sociedad de Ingenieros del Perú. Aunque dicha propuesta no prosperó, 30 años después se cristalizó ante la necesidad de colegiación de los ingenieros.

  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/colegiate.html CIPvirtual v1.0 - Módulo de Colegiación. - 1.0 Videos Tutoriales Crear cuenta de usuario 2.0 Manuales De usuario 3.0 Otra Información Reglamento de Colegiación Consejos Departamentales Proceso...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/servicios-y-tramites.html Servicios y trámites - Estimados ingenieros colegiados y Público en general, la presente tiene por presentarle los sgtes servicios que se le brinda al ingeniero colegiado y...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/help/bolsaa.html Servicio de la Bolsa de Trabajo del CIP - Registro para Empresas Si usted es una empresa formalmente constituida y desea registrar una oferta laboral y ésta pueda llegar a toda la Base de Dato...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group1/quienes-somos/historia.html Historia - El Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú nació de un planteamiento propuesto en la Primera Conferencia Nacional de Ingeniería realizada en 1932 por la Socied...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group1/quienes-somos/mision-y-vision.html Misión y Visión - Misión: Somos una institución deontológico, sin fines de lucro, que representa y agrupa a los ingenieros profesionales del Perú, de todas las especial...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group1/quienes-somos/nuestras-instalaciones.html Nuestras instalaciones - Untitled document Baño de Caballeros Cafetería Cafetería Auditorio Auditorio Baño de Caballeros Cafetería Entrada Salas Entrada Salas Entrada Salas En...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group1/tribunales-deontologicos/tribunal-nacional-de-etica.html Tribunal Nacional de Etica - El órgano competente encargado de ejercer la potestad sancionadora, sobre los profesionales de ingeniería, en los casos de incumplimiento para la apli...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group2/certificacion.html Certificación - CERTIFICACIÓN Y RECERTIFICACIÓN DE COMPETENCIAS PROFESIONALES DEL INGENIERO En un mundo globalizado y competitivo, la misión de la Certificación Profe...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group2/comision-nacional-revisora-de-cuentas.html Comisión Nacional Revisora de Cuentas - La Comisión Nacional Revisora de Cuentas, constituye un órgano de control del CIP, encargado de informar al Congreso Nacional de Consejos Departamenta...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group2/logo-del-cip.html Logo del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - CODIGO DE COLORES #E31E24 #D7B56D #2A2A29 LOGO EN JPG (RESOLUCIÓN ALTA) JPG4330 x 4330 LOGO EN JPG (RESOLUCIÓN MEDIA) JPG916 x 917 LOGO EN PNG (RESOLU...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/institucional/group2/video-himno-del-cip.html Video del himno del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - NOTA: Para descargar los archivos, hacer clic derecho sobre el video a descargar y luego en Intenet Explorer: "Guardar destino como/Guardar" o en Mozi...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/amazonas.html Consejo Departamental de Amazonas - Contacto: Jr. Puno Nº 460 Chachapoyas L-V: 9:00 am a 12:00pmy de 3:00pm a 8:00 pm 041-477445 / 941-976804 \n Esta dirección de correo electrónico está...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/ancash-chimbote.html Consejo Departamental de Ancash - Chimbote - Contacto: Av. Pacífico s/n MZ. C-1 Urb. Las Casuarinas Lote 11Nuevo Chimbote L- V 9:00am a 1:00pm / 4:00pm a 8:00pm 043-316270 / 403*7482 / 834*6874 0...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/ancash-huaraz.html Consejo Departamental de Ancash - Huaraz - Contacto: Domicilio: Jr. Simón Bolivar 680 Huaraz-Ancash L-V 8:00a.m. a 1:00p.m. y 4:00p.m. a 7:00p.m. Fijo (043)-422192 RPM #945768203 \n Esta direcc...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/apurimac.html Consejo Departamental de Apurímac - Contacto: Jr. Puno esquina con Jr. HuancavelicaAbancay Horario: L-V 10:00 a 12:00 y 16:00 a 19:00 083-322819 / 083-322819 (Fax) \n Esta dirección de c...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/arequipa.html Consejo Departamental de Arequipa - Contacto: Independencia Nº 150 - Cercado Horario: L - V 8:30 a 13:00 y 16:00 a 20:30hrsSabados: 9:00 a 12:30hrs. Claro: 959356573 Movistar: 959290510R...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/ayacucho.html Consejo Departamental de Ayacucho - Contacto: Urb. Mariscal Cáceres Mz: K Lt: 8Ayacucho Horario: Fijos: 066-312935 Fax: 066-312935 \n Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo pro...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/cajamarca.html Consejo Departamental de Cajamarca - Contacto: Jr. Alfonso Ugarte N° 973 Cajamarca L-V de 10:00 a 13:00 horas L-V de 14:00 a 19:00 horas S: de 10:00 a 13:00 horas Fijos: 076-369268 \n Est...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/callao.html Consejo Departamental del Callao - Contacto: Calle Los Tucanes N° 125 Oficina 206 - Urb. San José - Bellavista Callao Horario de Atención; Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 am a 9:00 pm. (01) 667...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/cusco.html Consejo Departamental de Cusco - Contacto: Urb. Larapa Grande A-1Distrito de San Jerónimo Horario: L-V de 09:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 20:00 Sáb. 09:00 a 13:00 (084) 273632 / (084) 2736...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/huancavelica.html Consejo Departamental de Huancavelica - Contacto: Av. Malecón Santa Rosa 136 - Cercado Huancavelica Lunes a Viernes De 9:00 a 13:00 hrs y de 15:00 a 19:00 hrs. (067) 452823 \n Esta dirección...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/huanuco.html Consejo Departamental de Huánuco - Contacto: Jr. 28 de Julio Nº 340 Cercado de Huanuco L-V 09:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00 hrs Sab. 9:00 a 13:00 hrs (062) 513560� / (062) 513560 (...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/huanuco-tingo-maria.html Consejo Departamental de Huánuco - Tingo María - Contacto: Av. Amazonas Nº 502 - Tingo Maria Horario: 08:00 a 13:00 horas y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas RPM: #961507763 Telefax- Central Telefónica (062) 56...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/ica.html Consejo Departamental de Ica - Contacto: Calle Nardos s/n - Urb. San Isidro Horario: 8:30 a 1:00pm y de 4:00 a 7:30pm (056) 232051 / (056) 232051 (Fax) \n Esta dirección de correo e...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/junin.html Consejo Departamental de Junín - Contacto: Av. Centenario 604 - Urb. San CarlosHuancayo Horario: 9:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 20:00hrs (064) 203033 / (064) 203033 (Fax) www.cip-junin.org...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/la-libertad.html Consejo Departamental de La Libertad - Contacto: Francisco Borja Nro 250 Urb. La Merced Trujillo Lunes - Viernes: 8:00 am. a 1:00 pm. y 4:00 pm. a 7:00 pm. Sábados. 9:00 am. a 1:00 pm. Info...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/lambayeque.html Consejo Departamental de Lambayeque - Contacto: Calle Manuel María Izaga N°680 - Chiclayo Horario: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm / 4.30 pm - 8.30 pm (074) 238661 / (074) 229818 (Fax) \n Esta dirección...
  • http://www.cip.org.pe/index.php/consejos/lima.html Consejo Departamental de Lima - Contacto: Calle Guillermo Marconi 210 - San Isidro Horario: 13:00 a 20:00hrs Central Telefónica: 202 5000 \n Esta dirección de correo electrónico está...

    Country:, South America, PE

    City: -77.0886 Provincia de Lima, Peru

  • Dymond Dave - All the bells and whistles

    I had been looking to buy a new car with all the latest technology for the past few months. I read reviews on Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Nissan and other SUVs. While the Subaru 3.6 R Limited is technically a wagon and not a SUV. High safety scores and all the latest tech at 10 to 15 thousand less than other manufacturers models warranted a test drive. I fell in love with this hard to find model. Let me be clear this review is only for the Subaru Limited 3.6R flat 6 Boxer engine with "Eyesight".

  • Brandon Kwwnon - Worst Customer Service - Do NOT BUY

    Ok Product - Terrible customer service. Today our company purchased Quickbooks Pro 2014 and have been trying to get it installed for the past 6 hours. After spending 1 hour on there customer support page and following all troubleshooting suggestion, which failed, we called the company and were on hold for 2 hours. We were then assisted by a representative. We gave the representative access to our computers. After 30 minutes, he suggested we redownload the software, saying that is the only possible fix. After doing this it still solved nothing and only made the issue worse. We then were able to get a customer representative on chat fairly quickly but they would not assist and said we had to call. We are now on hold again going on an additional hour for a total of 3 hours on hold. This is the worst customer service I have ever experienced.

  • Icarus - It's a nice combination of all you'll need to keep your pool ...

    The vacuum nozzle could be wider. The hose is very long. It's a nice combination of all you'll need to keep your pool clean.

  • LP23 - I believe the one I received is a fake!

    Beware, although this item was accepted for return, it has to be shipped to China. It is not worth returning. I believe the tumbler I received is a fake (can not speak to others from this seller - just to mine). My first clue was that the inner box that actually held the cup was a lightweight, plain white, smashed cardboard box without a logo or name and came from China. Based on my suspicions, I decided to do my own test and filled it with ice up to the indentation (about 1/2 full) and with 2 cups room temperature water. I took it to work with me and within three hours, the ice had completely melted and the water was cool (ish).

  • nick - Diets should not be one-size-fits-all

    This is a one-size-fits-all diet. No one's body is the same. That should have been a red flag. Before deciding on any diet, one should consider metabolism, weight, health challenges, etc. and every diet plan should be tailored accordingly. My roommate and I both tried this diet. Both of us already eat very healthy, but because I had chronic pain, chronic fatigue, migraines, and low blood pressure, I was advised to try this diet because it was help me feel and function better. (I didn't do it as a weight loss program.) My roommate is athletic and thought she would support me in the diet and also a loose a few pounds in the process. She functioned better than I did, but still had mental fatigue and didn't perform her best at work. I had a different experience. Day 3 into it, I had dangerously low blood pressure and had to quit. I took all supplements and shakes on time and I even had the meals at the end of each day. It took me a few days to get back on track, and my blood pressure to come back into normal limits. I would advise anyone to listen to your body and don't just go into this blindly. Yes, it will be difficult because any diet is difficult. However, if you are unable to function through life and are having unfavorable side effects/symptoms, it's best to listen to your body. This diet is good for the right person. If you don't know how to stop craving bad foods and are looking to be healthy, this may be for you... depending on other health factors. This does help you find what you crave and substitute those cravings for a healthier alternative. But if you already eat healthy-balanced meals and snacks, this may be over-rated.