www.geotermia.edu.sv Review:

Inicio - El Programa Regional de Entrenamiento Geotérmico (PREG) es una iniciativa para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades técnicas y académicas con las áreas relacionadas con el desarrollo de recursos geotérmicos.

Country:, North America, SV

City: -89.2031 Departamento de San Salvador, El Salvador

  • JLeo - Works as part of a protocol

    Take with natto-serra. When part of a protocol, this works well. The timing is hard because it has to be taken on an empty stomach. I also recommend Yeast Cleanse, Aquaflora and Candida Balance with Colostrum.

  • Katherine Carter - Amazing Workout in less than 30 minutes.

    So I am on day six, and I love it. I currently feel like I am out of shape and he pushes you in the 25 minutes. I am covered in sweat from the workout and I am currently doing modified version. I got this just for a stress relief and I am so glad that I did. Today is STATurday and I've lost 8 lbs. I know!!!!!! I looked at the scale and was like this thing is wrong. Gave it ten minutes (like it needed to think about life I guess?), then came back and took my weight again. I am looking forward to continuing the next 9 weeks. I hope this helps you!