www.hi-precision.com.ph Review:
Hi-Precision Diagnostics is a medical diagnostic facility - ultrasound, drug testing, ECG, DNA testing, hematology, bacteriology, online medical results - Hi-Precision Diagnostics is a medical diagnostic clinic that offers top-quality, affordable and modern healthcare services to its customers. These include ultrasound, drug testing, ECG, DNA testing, hematology and bacteriology services, lab test online, laboratory results online, blood test, online blood results, online lab results
Country:, North America, US
City: -87.6551 Illinois, United States
I shopped around and found this to be an affordable option to my need. Easy to install. The best part is that I ordered it and the first one came in damaged but inside an undamaged package. My thoughts were, "oh boy, here we go. How are we going to get this thing replaced and what is it going to coast me." Walked in the house, got on line with Amazon and BAM! Right there on the site was exactly what I needed to explain the problem, how to have the damaged unit picked up and how to get my new cover. The next day UPS picked up the first one and within a few days I had a new cover. Amazing! These guys have their act together.
whole unit totally failed after 3 days. no good......! refund or replacement highly recommended ! reply for details.