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  • Brian Lev - I'm Just Here for the Spectacle, Ma'am...

    Let's be honest: the science is poppycock (e.g., neutrinos from the sun are suddenly "acting like microwaves" but ONLY the earth's core is affected?), and the storyline (by now well know) is pretty easily guessed in advance. I'd already seen this film before and watched it again purely for the amazing spectacle of all the special effects and disaster sequences. A fun, very silly romp that has slow parts easily fast-forwarded through to without hurting things too much. :-)

  • christine moten - i want them in every color!

    I had no idea how to translate my typical size to inches, so I took a guess and while I'm only 5'2 and where a size 12, I ordered a 34 30 because I've been gaining weight. I could have lived with a 33 28, these are now my favorite jeans!

  • Gadsdan - or the one recommend which usually includes a mouse and keyboard for rather ...

    Most people probably take their keyboard for granted. They use the one that came with their computer, or the one recommend which usually includes a mouse and keyboard for rather cheap. It is a basic item that everyone using a computer needs, but many don’t put much thought in to.

  • We can dance if we want to! - Do not waste your money

    This glorified bandage did absolutely nothing. It's not even strong enough to wear alone as a waist cincher under clothing; in fact, it seemed to make me look bigger. Complete "waist" of time and money!

  • LocdBeauty09 - Luv it!!!!

    Please read all 3 books in the series. Never a dull moment. Def worth it......trust me. Lucinda John you're AWESOME. 😊