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    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.8995 , Netherlands

  • Amazon Customer - This kit is great, saves a lot of time with clean up ...

    This kit is great, saves a lot of time with clean up and the holes are cut smooth. Definitely beats cutting holes all day with a jab saw!!

  • marscook - Amazing!

    We had solatubes installed in the kitchen of our ranch house, which was a dark place. Now I never have to turn the lights on in the summer when I cook. The kitchen is cool and bright all day. We could not be happier with the product and count it as one of the best remodeling moves we made. Might there be a cheaper alternative-possibly, but for my money this has been the perfect solution.

  • A. Longo - An excellent guide for RV'ers

    An excellent guide for RV'ers. It is especially helpful for us to fine diesel fuel outlets that will accommadate an RV. It often has information on directions to RV parks. If you need a medical facility, this is also helpful.