www.southgateanimalclinic.com Review:

Southgate Animal Clinic, Home Page - Southgate Animal Clinic is one of the best veterinary clinics in the Portland area and is committed to your pet's health and well being. We are a full-service veterinary medical facility, servicing Milwaukie, Portland and surrounding areas. Southgate Animal Clinic is a state-of-the-art medical and surgical facility that utilizes the finest equipment for examination, diagnosis and treatment of your pet.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • P. Collins - Works Well With IOS App

    I bought this to interface with the IOS App and have been pleased with the way it works. Really need a pen tablet to make this work well.

  • Shannon Mitchell - the quaility is good

    it was perfectly comfortable and can be worn in either ear for long periods. Set up was really easy . It paired with my smartphone (iPhone 5c) immediately and reconnects effortlessly every time. The range away from the phone is about 11 metres or so. Sound quality is just fine for speech . It has been used in conjunction with a GPS navigation smartphone app and instructions when driving are clear without being excesively loud. The main use is for phone calls and, likewise, the quaility is good. It seems reasonably immune from noise pickup and other parties have had no difficulty understanding the conversation even when used in a noisey vehicle. Battery life is an impresive 6 hours talk time (much longer when idle) and recharge time is short.

  • TazMan - Works great - need to find a place though to store it when not in use

    Fits like intended. Works well but I do wish they did some other color on the back than the bland white. Once you roll it up you realize how big it really is. When not in use it takes up a lot of room in the car. In a hot climate it is definitely a must so I'll deal with it. This will be an issue of most of these big sun shades. After buying one you'll realize how big the windshield is on the C-max.

  • Memo - It erased severe tooth ache pain from an absess!

    I am a skeptic but after 3 days of severe tooth ache pain (caused by a quack dentist making a hole in my tooth by mistake) I was ready to yank the tooth out myself. The pain was so severe i was literally up for 48 hours and was using Vicoden and antibiotics neither of which did a thing to help. In desparation I tried Oil Pulling and to my absolut SHOCK- It worked. I kid you not but with a half hour the pain was gone! I have been doing it twice a day now for two days and as soon as I do the pain is gone for 12 hours or more. I have a root canal scheduled for a week from now and I am going to make it through! Thank you SO MUCH!