www.suchemlab.en.ecplaza.net Review:

Atenolol - Suchem Laboratories - Established in the year 1971, SUCHEM LABORATORIES, has a state of the art, multipurpose plant which complies with cGMP and Revised Schedule M requirements, manufacturing API's and Intermediates for Domestic and International market.

Country:, Asia, KR

City: 126.9741 , Republic of Korea

  • katherine - Somethings working

    I have been taking these for 10 days now and counting calories as well.i have lost 7 lbs since.so far good.they do help curb appetite and give good energy.drink lots of water.i do every now and then still get that niacin rash which is very uncomfortable there's not much you can do about it when it happens in just keep chugging water and wait for it to pass.I'm 5'3 and was a 189lbs.current weight after 10 days 181lbs.somethings working.

  • ProductSense - Macbook Air for 1/3 the cost

    I just got the Samsung Chromebook 3 3G and I'm pretty happy with it so far - less than 24 hours. I purged Microsoft Windows from my work and house about a year ago and have loved it since. I'm quite technical but I found myself spending way too much time maintaining my Windows computers - anti-virus, anti-malware, getting corporate grade firewalls, patching, de-fragging, etc. I had a almost brand new Dell Optiplex and it was slowing to a crawl after less than 1 year with all the normal gumming up with the above updates.